Friday, January 8, 2010

Holy Shit, A New Year!

What do you know.

Now that I've owned up to precisely how long it's been since I've written anything of value (hell, anything period) here, I guess I can move along to other things. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure what to move on to. I suppose that's what comes of having a newspost to occupy with your thoughts three times a week. There become scant few thoughts to occupy other places (like, say, a blog). Or even, dare I say it, my head.

This is probably for the best, as ideas that hang around in my head for too long have a tendency to become deranged and manic. I'd post some of the things I've written in the weird fiction/horror vein, but I'd rather like for the public at large to continue thinking of me as a rational, healthy-minded person, so I shan't. Let it simply be said that a few of them are...disturbing.

I should probably have some set of goals or another for the year ahead, but I've always been full aware that I'd never be able to maintain Resolutions, so why even bother making them? I have a difficult enough time getting from day to day without having to worry about little things like "saving money" or "managing my time wisely" or "not killing people".

I'm a little stunned that Fancy That is still going strong after almost a year. We've certainly had our hiccups and missed updates and the like, but the fact that we're still here and doing it after all this time speaks volumes. It's perhaps the longest that I've maintained a project (aside from the novel that took me three years of my high school career to write and in the end turned out to be generic and foul), which is something I feel proud of. Our eightieth actual strip just went up, which is a milestone in and of itself.

Ubuntu has continued to serve me well as my operating system of choice. It is sleek, efficient, easy on my aging laptop's faculties, and doesn't tie me down to either of the major OS magnates out there. The only reasons I've had to boot into Windows since I did a permanent install of Ubuntu on my hard drive is to sync my iPod with my music library and to scan the comic (because Lexmark is staffed by bitches who refuse to play nice with Linux). Other than that, I work exclusively in Ubuntu.

If you want to see a website whose design coding was done by yours truly, you can skip on over to and have a gander. They've fiddled with my code, so it's actually less pretty than it originally was, but the basic structure is still intact. So far as I'm concerned, they paid me $300 to do the code, so they can do whatever they like with it. It simply isn't my problem anymore.

And so...on with the new year!

"You know why I joined this cult? All the unprotected sects. Heyooo!"